Is it better to pay off student loans quickly or to save up for a down payment for a house?
A Nerd Wallet reader asked: Is it better to pay off student loans quickly or to save up for a down payment for a house? My reply: The only way I'm in favor of you buying a house is if it's a multifamily unit and you generate some rental income. Otherwise, a single family home is just an expense and an anvil for a 30-year-old.
Is it Time to Refinance?
Assuming that your goal is to reduce your interest expense, you'll know it's time to refinance if a.) there are rates available lower than your current rate, and b) if the cost to refinance can be recouped through your reduced mortgage payment before you plan to sell. Here are the steps:
Should you close credit cards with a zero balance?
A Nerd Wallet reader asked: Is it smart to close credit cards when balance is zero?